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Машина для скульптурирования мышц с электромагнитной вибрацией

Машина для скульптурирования мышц с электромагнитной вибрацией

Stimulation Electromagnetic Vibration Muscle Sculpting Machine
  • Muscle Building & Fat Reducing
  • 10.4-inch Touch Screen
  • Max Increase 22% Muscle and Burn 36% Fat
  • 2 Arms & 2 Legs Handles can work simultaneously
  • Max 4500W Output Power

The Машина для скульптурирования мышц с электромагнитной вибрацией is a state-of-the-art device designed to sculpt, tone, and strengthen muscles. This cutting-edge tool utilizes the principles of electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibration to create powerful muscle contractions, resulting in enhanced muscle development and body sculpting.

How does it work?

Этот machine operates by using a combination of Electromagnetic Stimulation and Vibration Технологии to induce muscle contractions, promoting muscle development and fat loss. Here’s how it works:

  1. Electromagnetic Stimulation: The machine uses electromagnetic fields to create a current within the muscle tissue, leading to supramaximal contractions, which are more intense than voluntary contractions.
  2. Vibration Technology: Concurrently, it delivers mechanical vibrations to the targeted area, enhancing the stimulation and promoting circulation, which can aid in the removal of waste products and the supply of nutrients to the muscles.


The Stimulation Electromagnetic Vibration Muscle Sculpting Machine is used for a range of treatments, including:

  1. Body Sculpting: Этот машина can help sculpt the body by strengthening and toning muscles.
  2. Muscle Strengthening: The strong muscle contractions induced by the machine can lead to an increase in muscle strength.
  3. Enhancing Athletic Performance: Regular use of this machine can boost athletic performance by increasing muscle endurance and reducing recovery time.
  4. Weight Loss Support: By increasing muscle mass, the machine can potentially aid in weight loss since more muscle mass can lead to a higher resting metabolic rate.

Используемые технологии

The Stimulation Electromagnetic Vibration Muscle Sculpting Machine employs the following key technologies:

  1. Electromagnetic Stimulation Technology: This is the core technology that stimulates muscle contractions.
  2. Vibration Technology: This enhances the stimulation and promotes circulation.
  3. User-friendly Interface: An intuitive interface allows users to customize settings such as intensity, frequency, and duration.
  4. Customizable Programs: Users can choose from various programs designed for different outcomes.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Q1: Is the Stimulation Electromagnetic Vibration Muscle Sculpting Machine safe to use?

A1: Yes, the machine is safe when used as directed. However, users with certain medical conditions or implants should consult a healthcare provider before use.

Q2: How often should I use the machine?

A2: The frequency of use depends on individual goals and current health status. For specific guidance, consult with a healthcare provider or fitness professional.

Q3: Can the machine be used on any part of the body?

A3: The machine can be used on most large muscle groups. Always follow the guidelines provided with the machine for safe use.

Q4: Does using the machine replace exercise?

A4: While this machine can enhance muscle development and body sculpting, it is not a replacement for a comprehensive exercise routine and healthy diet.

Q5: Are there any side effects of using the machine?

A5: Side effects are rare. Some users may experience temporary muscle soreness similar to what is experienced after an intense workout.

Remember, while the Stimulation Electromagnetic Vibration Muscle Sculpting Machine is a powerful tool for muscle-sculpting, it should be used responsibly and in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise regimen.


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