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Cryoelectroporation Therapy: A Non-invasive Beauty Treatment

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17 мая 2023 г.

Cryoelectroporation therapy is a non-invasive beauty treatment that combines the benefits of both cryotherapy and electroporation. This technology has been gaining popularity in the field of medical aesthetics, and it’s not difficult to understand why.

This blog post will delve deeper into what cryo electroporation therapy is and how it works, as well as its benefits and limitations.

What is Electroporation?

Electroporation is a transdermal delivery system that uses an electrical pulse to temporarily increase cell membrane permeability. This allows for the introduction of active ingredients into the skin’s cells, even those with a large molecular size. The process involves applying an electrical pulse to the skin, which creates transient micro-channels in the skin’s lipid bilayer.

These micro-channels, or pores, allow for the delivery of active ingredients into the skin’s deeper layers, where they can have a more profound effect.

The lipid bilayer model and microscopy imaging techniques can be used to visualize the electroporation process. Electroporation is a transdermal delivery system that does not alter cell structure or damage tissues, making it a safe and effective method for delivering substances into the skin’s cells.

Cryoelectroporation Therapy

Electroporation in Skincare

Electroporation has several applications in skincare. When applied to the skin, it allows for a rapid and temporary increase in cell membrane permeability, which facilitates the introduction of active ingredients into the skin’s cells. This delivery system is compatible with most solutions and can be used with a variety of products, including nutraceuticals, peptides, and hyaluronic acid. Electroporation can be used to treat a range of skin conditions, including acne, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.

Studies have shown that electroporation is an effective way to increase the efficiency of transdermal drug delivery and improve the penetration of active ingredients. The technology has been approved by the US FDA for use in the field of medical aesthetics and has undergone years of clinical validation, demonstrating its safety and effectiveness.

Advantages of Electroporation

Some advantages of electroporation as a transdermal delivery method include:

  • Enhanced permeability: Electroporation temporarily disrupts the skin’s barrier function, allowing for enhanced permeability of drugs or other substances. This can improve the efficiency of transdermal delivery.
  • Non-invasive: Electroporation is a non-invasive method, meaning that it does not require needles or other invasive procedures. This can reduce the risk of infection or other complications.
  • Targeted delivery: Electroporation can be targeted to specific areas of the skin, allowing for localized delivery of substances.
  • Fast and efficient: Electroporation can be a fast and efficient method of transdermal delivery, with results often seen within minutes of treatment.
  • Versatile: Electroporation can be used to deliver a wide range of substances, including drugs, vaccines, and cosmetic agents.

Cryoelectroporation Therapy

Limitations of Electroporation

While electroporation is an effective method of delivering active ingredients into the skin, it does have some limitations.

One limitation is that the delivery of active ingredients is not targeted, which means that some of the active ingredients may escape into the bloodstream rather than be absorbed by the skin’s cells. This limitation can be addressed by combining electroporation with cryotherapy.

*Don’t worry about this limitation anymore, because Cryo therapy is one of the most effective and efficient solutions !!!

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a treatment that involves the application of cold temperatures to the skin’s surface. This causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the skin’s surface. This decrease in blood flow can help to minimize inflammation, reduce swelling, and even alleviate pain.

Cryotherapy in Skincare

In уход за кожей, cryotherapy is used in combination with electroporation to prevent active ingredients from escaping into the bloodstream. By decreasing blood flow to the skin’s surface, cryotherapy can reduce the exchange rate of red blood cells, effectively blocking active ingredients from entering the bloodstream. This allows the active ingredients to remain in the skin’s tissues, where they can have a more profound effect.

woman's face

Clinical Validation of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy has been clinically validated for use in the medical field. The FDA has approved cryotherapy for the reduction of severe hair loss caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients.

The new cooling cap technology is used to cool the scalp during chemotherapy, which reduces blood flow to the scalp and prevents chemotherapy drugs from penetrating the hair follicles. The clinical validation of this method has shown promising results in preventing hair loss in cancer patients.

Cryoelectroporation Therapy

About Cryo-electroporation

Cryo-electroporation therapy is a groundbreaking beauty treatment that combines cryotherapy and electroporation to enhance the efficacy of transdermal drug delivery while minimizing any damage to the skin. The technique is safe, effective, and non-invasive, making it suitable for all типы кожи.

Cryotherapy can be used in conjunction with electroporation to enhance the retention of active ingredients in the skin tissue. The benefits of cold cryo-electroporation transdermal delivery include improved skin hydration, increased collagen production, and improved skin texture and tone.

As medical aesthetics continue to evolve, cryo-electroporation therapy has become an exciting option for people looking for non-invasive and pain-free beauty treatments.

Cryo & heating electroporation machine ACOOL

Reference to related aesthetic devices from ALOY BEAUTY: Cryo-electroporation machine


Джон Лоу


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